Welcome! There is only one Bishy, and this page is for you!

Some helpful links:


Week 9: Robotics For All:


Week 8: Kodu Review PowerPoint Template:

Bishy Kodu

Week 7: Kodu meets Micro:Bit (then completing our pressure pads!)

Click here for the Kodu Design Sheet: Planning Your Game Creation

Week 6: Building and testing pressure pads

Week 5:  Connecting the MakeyMakey to Scratch

Week 4: Connecting the Micro:Bit to Scratch

Week 3 extension:

Week 3 Task 1:

Week 3 Task 2:


Photo Gallery:

Week 2 code:

Week 1 code:

Click here for the tutorial: Teleporting Duck

Robot Racing Club Example Code Section

Using Functions:

Robot Line Following Code:

Click here to view the full Tutorial: Line follow tutorial

Robot Obstacle Avoidance Code 1

Clawbot Code:

Clawbot Controller Unit Code:

More helpful links:

The following plug-in accessories / peripherals for Micro:Bits are inexpensive and add great extra functionality:

Touchbit: Capacitive Touch Board

Click here to see the info page

This is the MakeCode Extension:

Air Quality Board: CO2 / Pressure / Humidity / Sensor

Can be solar powered

Click here to see the info page

Or here for the data sheet

This is the MakeCode Extension:

Environmental Science Centre


Click here to see the info page

Or here for the Tutorial

This is the MakeCode Extension:

Sensor Board

Sound / Temp / Light

Click here to see the info page

Or here for the Resources

This is the MakeCode Extension:

View Board

OLED screen

Click here to see the info page

Or here for the Data Sheet

This is the MakeCode Extension:

Physical Computing equipment other than the Micro:Bit can create other project-based learning experiences too, for example:

Week 1 presentation: