Begun in December 2023, the Robot Racing Club provides a new Physical Computing opportunity for young people, of all ages and abilities, to discover what coding looks like in the real world! 

Teams of pupils compete to see how they can engineer and re-engineer robotic creations which complete the race course ahead of the other teams.

Think Wacky Races for the Twenty First Century!

Welcome to the St Mary’s Robot Page.


For details of the wider Robot Racing Club community, please see here: 

Week 8:

Pressure pads for the Arena..

Week 7:

Four Robot TouchBit Control Mission

Having explored the TouchBit control of the Clawbots last week, now it is time to apply that approach to enable direct control of your robots

Week 6:

Six Robot Test Race

  • Review: Axis sensing versus direct (TouchBit) control
  • Arena needs analysis

We will begin by studying these four samples of code:

New Clawbot

New Clawbot Controller

TouchBit Controller

TouchBit Receiver Unit

This is the starter code for Week 5.

  • It is for the Buggy

Note the use of axis sensing

This is the starter code for Week 4.

  • It is for the robot Micro:Bit.

(Touch:Bit Controller code follows underneath)

Here is the second part of our starter code for Week 4:

  • This is the code for the Touch:Bit Controller Unit:

Here is our code, ready for Week 3:


  • the radio group must remain the same to transmit and receive in our group
  • Create the receivedString variable first
  • you can replace “test message” with your own message


In Week 4 we will be discovering the TouchBit:


  • the Extension which we need is called TouchBit


Here is our code, ready for Week 2:


  • the Extension which we need is called “Klip”
  • Create the two variables first
  • Then create the three function blocks


Week 1: We have unpacked the kit and built five robots within the session. We have begun to explore the code.

Looking ahead:

.. more soon!

Before Robot Racing Club, came two years of ARC: Advanced Robotics Club (at Lydiard Park Academy).

These links might be of interest to future roboteers!